dagbesteding lcc

Daily schedule

Effort & relaxation

At LCC, we organise all kinds of creative activities for groups of four to six people. We allow our participants to discover their talents and develop their skills in an accessible manner. Our learning and working environment is suitable for working independently as well.

We don’t just contribute to the development of our clients, but we also improve to their mental health and their sense of dignity. In between creative activities, we incorporate tea (or coffee) time to balance things out. This approach results in an ideal mix of effort and relaxation!

Creatief bezig zijn
Have a look at our schedule below:
Crafting jewellery
‘Crochet away with us’ (haak gezellig aan); creative with needle & thread
Game afternoon (with therapeutic (board)games)
Paper crafts (cards, boxes, window pendants …)
Paper crafts
Crafty morning (candles, soap, mosaic, paint …)
Game morning
The items created by our participants are available at our craft store Creabeaux. Every month, we organise an open sales market for invited guests, who can visit and have a look at all the works. Through such an experience, our participants feel that they’re taking on active roles in society again. Items that our (young) adults create include bowls, photo albums, dog toys, candles, gift boxes, greeting cards and baby gifts.
verschillende vaardigheden

Moving on to the job market

To get our clients more involved in society and the job market, we offer them the opportunity to work at our craft store. Among other things, they can prepare orders, package products and take photos for our web shop. Those tasks provide them with a sense of purpose and make it easier for them to move on to a ‘real’ job. We can even recommend them to business connections, at whose companies they can work at their own pace.

Would you like to know more about our schedule?

Make sure to get in touch so we can schedule an introductory meeting.